Cal's GitHub Stuff
My stuff on github is split between my personal account, the ex-flickr organization and the tinyspeck organization. Ex-flickr is a group of projects created by engineers who once worked at Flickr and follow the Flickr way, based on the lessons we learned over 6+ years of engineering a very large web app. TinySpeck is the company I now work for, building Glitch, a web-based massively-multiplayer online game.
PHP Libraries
- Flamework: a PHP application framework.
- PHP-emoji: an emoji filtering and transformation library.
- lib_oauth: PHP4 OAuth library.
- lib_sanitize: Input validation library.
- lib_autolink: Change URLs in input text into HTML links.
- lib_filter: Whitelist HTML input filtering.
- RFC822: Email validation for RFCs 822, 2822 and 3696.
- lib_ap: Admin Protocol library.
- XML_NiceTree: PHP4 xpath-like library.
Single Sign-On
- GodAuth: Simple SSO for internal tools.
- MediaWiki-SSO: SSO plugin for MediaWiki.
- Trac-SSO: SSO plugin for Trac.
- WordPress-SSO: SSO plugin for WordPress.
All of these projects were previously hosted in Flickr's SVN repository, which has unfortunately been offline for several years.
- Uploadr: Desktop photo uploader.
- Flickr::Test: A PHP/Perl TAP test framework.
- Flickr::StatsD: Collect and aggregate realtime stats.
- lib_xml: Lightweight XPath-like library.
- lib_input: Input filtering library.
- desktopr: Next generation version of Uploadr.
- clustr: Geo shape clustering application.
- Flickr-FTPD: FTP upload endpoint handler.
Perl Modules
- CSS: Object-oriented access to cascading stylesheets.
- Parse::EBNF: Object-oriented access to EBNF grammars.
- XML::Parser::Lite::Tree: Parse XML trees without libxml or expat.
- XML::Parser::Lite::Tree::XPath: Pure Perl XPath implementation.
- Flickr::API: Perl interface to the Flickr API.
- perl-Language-Homespring: Homespring interpreter.
- perl-Language-Homespring-Visualise-GraphViz: Vizualizations for Homespring.
- perl-Language-Nouse: Nouse interpreter.
- perl-Inline-Interp: Make Inline modules for interpreted languages.
- perl-Inline-Nouse: Nouse Inline interpreter.
- perl-Inline-SMITH: SMITH Inline interpreter.
- perl-Image-Caa: Colored ASCII-art.
Misc Cruft
- Choropleths: Quick tool for making choropleth maps.
- php-tokyo-dystopia: Added some docs for this PHP extension.
- oEmbed: Spec for oEmbed.
- Lego Carcassonne: Lego CAD designs for Carcassonne.
- g2: Interface experiments for Ganglia.
Node Libraries
- node-mysql: My fork for hacking on MySQL Node bindings. Just use the main repo instead.
- daemon.node: Collection of patches for running Node as a daemon.
- node.memcache: Memcache bindings for Node.
- http_utils.js: A simple HTTP wrapper for Node that handles GET/POST vars and file uploads.
- service.js: Easily turn node apps into init.d services.
Node Apps
- logTailer: Tail log files in real time over the web.
- rollup: Collect and graph high-volume realtime stats.
- logbot: Simple IRC bot.
- logSmush: Multi-server log aggregation over HTTP.
- Glitch OAuth Demos: Demo code for implementing against the Glitch OAuth API.
- glitch-mash: Demo API app.
- avatar-animations: JavaScript/Canvas avatar animation preview.
TinySpeck Tools
- statsd: TinySpeck's StatsD fork.
- graphite-render: Time sampling visualization for Graphite.
- doug: A simple bug tracker.
Misc Apps
- iTunesServer: Play your music collection over the web.
- iTunesRemote: Control a remote iTunes instance over the web.
- PNGStore: Compress CSS/JS into PNGs.
- Sycamore: A game prototype.
- Flengbot: Group messaging Jabber bot.
- imgproc: Simple web-based tool to test image processing utilities.
- logbot-perl: IRC logging and reporting bot, written in perl.
- brainfuck-debug: JavaScript brainfuck debugger.
WoW Addons
- Precedence: A dashboard for raiding hunters.
- Bunny-Hunter: Rare pet farming tracker.
- MillHouse: Summarize herbs ready for milling.
- Auc-Searcher-Insane: Auctioneer plugin for search for Darkmoon Faire rep items.
- Non-Compos-Mentis: Tracking for the [Insane in the Membrane] achievement.
Web Sites
- London Bloggers: A new version of the London Bloggers directory.